
Monday, July 20, 2009

were moving back HOME!!!

well we are moving HOME!!!, we have recently put our house up for sale, i put in for a transfer to the logan store, and it was accepted, so me and my family are moving home. we have family coming down on the 24 of july, and we should be heading back on the 26th of july. we will be living in smithfield. we are curently looking at some homes there, but cant do anything until my house sells here in arizona. it will be really nice to be back and close to family, im sure that the grandparents and aunts and uncles of my little girl will be excited to see her grow up. it has been an eye opener for me and mandy (living down here) we have really realized how nice it is to have family close by, even if there is alot of drama. all the good tends to outway all the bad.


symony said...

Good luck with the move, drive safe! Hopefully I will get to see you and your cutie when you come to get a haricut!

Ashley said...

I can't wait to see you guys! That's a lotta work moving AGAIN...i'm sure you already know that. :) good luck with everything. let me know if I can help in any way.